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Affiliate Disclosure Statement


Please see also the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Full Disclaimer which governs the use of this website. 




Transparency has always been one of the most important things to me. My goal with this blog is to help other people who are struggling with mental health, inspire aspiring artists to think of new perspectives to assist them in their career, and tell personal stories of my own. 


As I do not wish to create content for brands on my personal social media channels, telling my own stories and recommending products that I already personally use and love allows me to have PERSONAL AND CREATIVE freedom as an artist. In all honesty, my frustration with trying to monetize my platforms is the reason I decided to start a blog. I am disclosing that I’ve included certain products and links to products on this site that I will earn an affiliate commission from.


Considering the breadth of topics on this site and the intended volume of articles, it would be impractical to list each and every program I have an affiliate agreement with. Some links are purely for your informational benefit and convenience, however assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links which simply means that when you click on those links, I may be paid by the program without affecting your cost at all. I will never recommend products and/or links I do not fully believe in. 


I am also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliated sites. Some of these affiliate relationships include: Amazon Affiliates and Clickbank.  Please note that I have not been given any free products, services or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions or compensation when you click through my affiliate links.


Please note that while I personally purchase, review and use every product I link to, these products are purchased from third party companies and I do not control these companies or have a financial interest other than an affiliate relationship. 

For this reason, I cannot ensure that any item purchased through a link is shipped on time, packaged properly, or that you will like it. I cannot guarantee your satisfaction. Any problems or concerns with a specific product purchased through a link on this website should be directed to the company the item was purchased from.


Amazon does not sponsor me. 

None of my posts are sponsored. 


If you have any questions regarding the above, please reach out to me using the contact page.

Again, I would much rather provide my real life recommendations to you via affiliate programs as opposed to making sponsored videos in collaborations with brands. I feel that this is a much more transparent way to bring value to you. 


Thanks again,

Anna-Lee xoxo 

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